19,955 research outputs found

    South African Agricultural Research and Development: A Century of Change

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    The 20th Century saw substantive shifts in the structure of agriculture and agricultural production in South Africa. Farm size grew, farm numbers eventually declined, and production increasingly emphasized higher-valued commodities, notably a range of horticultural crops. The real gross value of agricultural output grew steadily (by 3.32 percent per year) from 1910-1981, but declined thereafter (by 0.21 percent per year from 1982-2008). These long-run sectoral changes provide a context to present and assess an entirely new data series on public agricultural R&D (and related regulatory and extension) spending and associated scientist trends. South African agricultural R&D has been affected by a series of major policy changes. These are also documented and discussed here, along with the associated institutional changes regarding the conduct and funding of public agricultural R&D in South Africa. We reveal a number of disturbing trends, including an effective flat lining of the long-run growth in total agricultural R&D spending that took hold in the 1970s, an erratic path of funding per scientist, and a loss of scientific personnel in recent decades. Moreover, South Africa has lost ground relative to its competitors in international commodity markets such as the United States and Australia in terms of the intensity of investment in agricultural R&D. These developments are likely to have long-term, and detrimental, consequences for the productivity performance and competiveness of South African agriculture. They deserve serious policy attention as the 21st Century unfolds, with a firm eye to the long-run given the long lags (often many decades) that typify the relationship between agricultural R&D spending and productivity growth.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Comparison of Standard Length, Fork Length, and Total Length for Measuring West Coast Marine Fishes

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    Measurements of adult marine fishes on the U.S. west coast are usually made using one of three methods: standard length, fork length, or total length. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we attempt to determine whether one method is faster and/or more reliable than the other methods. We found that all three methods were comparable. There was no appreciable difference in the time it took to measure fish using the different methods. Fork length had the most reproducible results; however, it had the highest level of bias between researchers. We therefore suggest that selection of measurement type be based on what other researchers have used for the species under study. The best improvement in measurement reliability probably occurs by adequate training of personnel and not type of measurement used

    Smarter Programming of the Female Condom: Increasing Its Impact on HIV Prevention in the Developing World

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative value of the female condom for HIV prevention within heterosexual relationships in the developing world. In the last ten years, the world has witnessed both historic financial commitments to HIV/AIDS and new prevention options, including biomedical prevention research, male circumcision, and a dramatic scale-up of voluntary counseling and testing. At the same time, where HIV remains at epidemic levels in many countries, there has been a growing commitment to treatment access alongside prevention programs. However, portions of populations, particularly youth and women, remain highly vulnerable to HIV infection. Accordingly, the global health community can benefit from a better understanding of how existing prevention options should be effectively and efficiently delivered to reduce HIV in the developing world. This report provides guidance for the global health community for considering how the female condom fits within the set of prevention interventions currently available

    Cost of HPV screening at community health campaigns (CHCs) and health clinics in rural Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND:Cervical cancer is the most frequent neoplasm among Kenyan women, with 4800 diagnoses and 2400 deaths per year. One reason is an extremely low rate of screening through pap smears, at 13.8% in 2014. Knowing the costs of screening will help planners and policymakers design, implement, and scale programs. METHODS:We conducted HPV-based cervical cancer screening via self-collection in 12 communities in rural Migori County, Kenya. Six communities were randomized to community health campaigns (CHCs), and six to screening at government clinics. All HPV-positive women were referred for cryotherapy at Migori County Hospital. We prospectively estimated direct costs from the health system perspective, using micro-costing methods. Cost data were extracted from expenditure records, staff interviews, and time and motion logs. Total costs per woman screening included three activities: outreach, HPV-based screening, and notification. Types of inputs include personnel, recurrent goods, capital goods, and services. We costed potential changes to implementation for scaling. RESULTS:From January to September 2016, 2899 women were screened in CHCs and 2042 in clinics. Each CHC lasted for 30 working days, 10 days each for outreach, screening, and notification. The mean cost per woman screened was 25.00forCHCs[median:25.00 for CHCs [median: 25.09; Range: 22.0630.21]and22.06-30.21] and 29.56 for clinics [28.90;28.90; 25.27-37.08]. Clinics had higher costs than CHCs for personnel (14.27vs.14.27 vs. 11.26) and capital (5.55vs.5.55 vs. 2.80). Screening costs were higher for clinics at 21.84,comparedto21.84, compared to 17.48 for CHCs. In contrast, CHCs had higher outreach costs (3.34vs.3.34 vs. 0.17). After modeling a reduction in staffing, clinic per-screening costs ($25.69) were approximately equivalent to CHCs. CONCLUSIONS:HPV-based cervical cancer screening through community health campaigns achieved lower costs per woman screened, compared to screening at clinics. Periodic high-volume CHCs appear to be a viable low-cost strategy for implementing cervical cancer screening

    Colored Speech: Cross Burnings, Epistemics, and the Triumph of the Crits?

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    This Essay examines the Court\u27s recent decision in Virginia v. Black. It argues that Black signifies a different approach to the constitutionality of statutes regulating cross burnings. It shows how the Court\u27s conservatives have essentially accepted the intellectual framework and the mode of analysis suggested previously by the critical race theorists. In particular, this Essay explores the role that Justice Thomas plays in the case. The Essay explains Justice Thomas\u27s active participation as a matter of epistemic authority and epistemic deference

    Effect of Sensory Feedback from the Proximal Upper Limb on Voluntary Isometric Finger Flexion and Extension in Hemiparetic Stroke Subjects

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    This study investigated the potential influence of proximal sensory feedback on voluntary distal motor activity in the paretic upper limb of hemiparetic stroke survivors and the potential effect of voluntary distal motor activity on proximal muscle activity. Ten stroke subjects and 10 neurologically intact control subjects performed maximum voluntary isometric flexion and extension, respectively, at the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the fingers in two static arm postures and under three conditions of electrical stimulation of the arm. The tasks were quantified in terms of maximum MCP torque [MCP flexion (MCPflex) or MCP extension (MCPext)] and activity of targeted (flexor digitorum superficialis or extensor digitorum communis) and nontargeted upper limb muscles. From a previous study on the MCP stretch reflex poststroke, we expected stroke subjects to exhibit a modulation of voluntary MCP torque production by arm posture and electrical stimulation and increased nontargeted muscle activity. Posture 1 (flexed elbow, neutral shoulder) led to greater MCPflex in stroke subjects than posture 2 (extended elbow, flexed shoulder). Electrical stimulation did not influence MCPflex or MCPext in either subject group. In stroke subjects, posture 1 led to greater nontargeted upper limb flexor activity during MCPflex and to greater elbow flexor and extensor activity during MCPext. Stroke subjects exhibited greater elbow flexor activity during MCPflex and greater elbow flexor and extensor activity during MCPext than control subjects. The results suggest that static arm posture can modulate voluntary distal motor activity and accompanying muscle activity in the paretic upper limb poststroke

    Society Islands (Central Eastern Polynesia) Chronology: 11 Radiocarbon Dates for the Late Prehistoric Expansion and Proto-Historic Periods in the 'Opunohu Valley, Mo'orea.

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    The chronology of residential site construction and occupation in the upper reaches of the 'Opunohu Valley, Mo'orea, Central Eastern Polynesia, has been debated over the last 15 yr. This paper reports a suite of 11 radiocarbon age determinations from excavations at 5 house sites and a simple temple structure (marae). Direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating of wood charcoal identified to short-lived taxa confirms site construction and occupation during the mid-15th to 17th centuries, supporting that maximal population density was in the centuries immediately prior to European contact. The study demonstrates that targeted dating of multiple structures within residential complexes allows for multiple phases of site construction and use to be discriminated. These data are critical for adequately assessing site contemporaneity and the development, maintenance, and expansion of residential groups and their house clusters through time

    Married 6-year olds and other diseases of data

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    Presented at the National data integrity conference: enabling research: new challenges & opportunities held on May 7-8, 2015 at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Researchers, administrators and integrity officers are encountering new challenges regarding research data and integrity. This conference aims to provide attendees with both a high level understanding of these challenges and impart practical tools and skills to deal with them. Topics will include data reproducibility, validity, privacy, security, visualization, reuse, access, preservation, rights and management.Michael Kahn is the Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Denver, Co-Director of the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) and Director of Clinical Informatics in the Department of Quality & Patient Safety. His research interests include real-time clinical decision support linked to clinical outcomes monitoring, clinical data warehouses for both operational and retrospective research support, integration of electronic medical records with prospective research, and translational research informatics for both T1 (bench to bedside) and T2 (bedside to community) translational settings. Prior to his current positions, Dr. Kahn was faculty in the Departments of Medicine, Computer Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Director of Advanced Clinical Systems at BJC Health Systems, and was in the commercial clinical trials software industry before returning to academics. Dr. Kahn has been a member of the board of directors of the American Medical Informatics Association, the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Library of Medicine and the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association and the International Journal of Medical Informatics. He is a member of the American College of Medical Informatics.PowerPoint presentation given on May 8, 2015.Funding was provided by a contract from AcademyHealth. Additional support was provided by AHRQ 1R01HS019912-01 (Scalable PArtnering Network for CER: Across Lifespan, Conditions, and Settings), AHRQ 1R01HS019908 (Scalable Architecture for Federated Translational Inquiries Network), and NIH/NCRR Colorado CTSI Grant Number UL1 RR025780 (Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute)